
Struggling to unite your staff around a clear message? Not sure what your school needs?

The Choose Well Program can help provide insight, direction, and support in identifying, clarifying and executing a plan that works for you.


getting on the same page.

Core Values & Mission Statements

Through our consultation services, the Choose Well Program will help you and your leadership team clarify your core values and develop a school mission statement. Many schools have complex mission statements - confusing acronyms, and too many words and points to remember! We regularly work with educators who can’t even tell us what their mission statement is! We get it though, sometimes simplicity and clarity are harder to create than complex, multi-layered goals.

Our consultation services are a great way to become really clear about what is important and how to get there. After working with the Choose Well Program - your core values and school vision will be so tangible your students will be repeating it back to you.

Close the Gap

Working with your leadership team, we will help identify and simplify your core values, consider the current state of your school culture and mission statement, and close the communication gap that often exists between administrators, parents, and students. Becoming clear as a leadership team about who you are, where you are going, and how you are going to get there is a crucial first step in developing a positive school culture. Let us help you get there!

“If you are a school or district wondering about how to get students, teachers, and parents together on the same page, Mister Brown’s work is a great solution.”

inside consultation

  • Mission Statement & Core Values

    We work with school leadership to think about the “Who” “What” “Why” and “How” of their school. Developing a cohesive message that is simple, effective, and sticks.

  • Integrating PBIS, SEL, & more

    Our team works with the SEL, PBIS, & character development curriculum schools are using. If schools don’t have a curriculum, we help develop a clear vision and plan for implementing one that fits each schools’ needs and goals.

  • Personalized Assessment

    At the end of each consultation we provide a written assessment – summarizing findings and outlining suggested next steps, resources, etc.


  • How Does the Choose Well Program fit with PBIS, SEL, and other existing standards?

    The Choose Well Program is not a one-size-fits-all kind of program. Our goal for the Choose Well message is for it to support the work that educators are already doing, helping to supplement resources where needed, reinforce strategies that are working, and offering new ones when necessary.

  • How is Consultation different from Professional Development?

    Consultation works with your leadership team to clarify the big ideas of who you are as a school. This involves looking at your core values, mission statement, and school culture.

    Professional Development works with your school staff to help implement your core values and mission statement. Professional Development is also a resource to directly care for and support your staff.

  • What is Provided in Consultation?

    Consultation typically involves 2-3 one-on-one leadership team meetings with Mister Brown or a Choose Well Team member and will culminate in a written assessment. More importantly, we view consultation as an on-going conversation.

    The value of the Choose Well Program is not found solely the services we offer but in the commitment we bring to partner with schools, working together to build a positive school culture – one choice at a time.

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