Parent Engagement

Engage the whole family in building a positive school culture through family nights, parenting videos, and seminars.


bring the family together.

Parents: The Missing Link

If you are an educator you understand first hand how crucial a role parents play in the education of their children, yet parents are often an overlooked participant when schools think about developing their culture. We know the home is the first place where learning is either reinforced or neglected. The United States Department of Health and Human Services reported in 2016 that heightened parental involvement was related to increases in cognition, language, and social-emotional development in children.

Developing a positive school culture is therefore not only about bringing educators and students together, but is created and sustained by the whole community.

Choices: A Shared Language

Parent Engagement services include: video resources for parents, parenting seminars, and family nights. Over the years we have seen parents respond positively to seeing their kids engage with the Choose Well message. Our goal is to bring parents, students and educators together around the Choose Well Message, as doing so provides the entire community with a shared language: Choices

The power of the Choose Well message is that it is timeless. No matter your age, level of education, or stage of life, your choices matter.

Sample Resources

  • Parenting Videos

    Mister Brown has created videos specifically for parents. Videos cover ‘How To’ topics such as ‘How to Talk to Your Kids’ | ‘Give Them Space to Grow’ | & ‘Respond & React’. We have also developed encouraging content that just speaks to parents as individuals with lessons like “Living from the Inside Out.”

  • Family Nights

    Family nights are a great way to bring the entire school community together. This provides the family with a shared experience of the Choose Well Message, and creates an opportunity for parents and educators to connect with one another.

  • Parenting Seminars

    For schools looking to go deeper with their parents, we offer parenting seminars. These are typically held on a Saturday morning or mid-week evening and run for 2-3 hours. Parenting seminars allow parents to connect with each other on a deeper level, get on the same page with teachers, and gain valuable parenting resources.

What Parents Are Saying

  • “Amazing! ‘Make better choices to live a better life’ - It’s plain and simple and I think everyone can relate to that.”

  • “Every time Mister Brown comes to our school my kids come home and they feel like he is family. They are so uplifted and excited about his message. I really see a difference in their character and the way they treat each other at home.”

  • “I plan to put everything you said into practice, not only at home with my family but also at my workplace.”


  • How often are family nights recommended?

    We typically suggest that schools run two family nights a year. This provides educators with an opportunity to check in with parents each semester, and gives the whole family something to look forward to.

  • Can Family Nights Be Customized?

    Yes! Every family night is designed to meet the needs of your specific school. Activities and Mister Brown’s message can be curated to meet your specific goals.

  • How much does a family night cost?

    Family Nights are not a set cost. Rather we work with you to look at your overall goals, needs, and budget. We believe in the value of our services, and are committed to working with you to best serve your school, families, and community.